Kraków Academic Salon
This event is organized in Polish.
The Krakow Academic Salon is an event addressed to Ph.D. students of Krakow universities organized periodically in the form of a competition for the presentation of the month. During the event, you can tell about your scientific passion, broaden your knowledge in many fields, meet Ph.D. students from other universities in Krakow, and win 500 PLN for the purchase of scientific literature.
Seminar for young scientists
We gladly invite you to participate in seminars addressed exclusively to Ph.D. students of the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN and the Institute’s employees who do not have habilitation yet.
One of the main goals of this series of meetings is the mutual improvement of presentation skills. Therefore, the form of seminars strongly focuses on discussions and conversations between young scientists in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Such talks can help in the preparation of a Ph.D. defense or conference speech. Not only that, because it is equally important to get to know each other’s interests and passions, as well as to talk about problems and difficulties in conducting research.
IFJ PAN Open Day for students – June 18, 2021
We are happy to invite you to the Open Day for students, which will be held on June 18, 2021 from 11:00 to 14:00 CET. You will have a chance to participate in virtual visits to our laboratories, listen to presentations about research studies in our Institute, talk to our staff, learn about offers of student internships, as well as bachelor and master theses. You will also learn how you can become our doctoral student.